
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

So Proud

Guess who received the Christian Citizenship Award for her grade at school?  EMILEE!  Scott and I are so proud.  After being at the same school since 4-year preschool, we moved Emilee to a new school this year for 8th grade.  It was an incredibly hard move for me, but not for Emilee.  From her first day of school there back in August, 2012, she found her place and fit right in.  She has blossomed into such a beautiful young lady, both on the inside and outside.  I have watched her grow so much in the past nine months!

During the first few weeks at her new school, they held a school-wide spiritual emphasis program for three days.  Emilee came home during that time and shared so many things that she had learned every day.  A few months later she shared with me that at the beginning of the school year she had prayed and asked God to use her for Him.  Yes, I cried! 

It has been such a great year for her there.  Over the past month, Scott and I have been to the school twice to watch her be inducted into the National Junior Beta Club and the National Junior Honor Society. 

National Junior Beta Club

National Junior Honor Society
A couple of weeks ago I emailed Emilee's teacher to ask about the upper school award ceremony.  I saw it announced in the newsletter and wanted to know if it included 8th grade and, in other words, did we need to be there.  She said it did include 8th grade and said we should plan to be there.  So we put it on our calendar. 

The night before the award ceremony, Emilee said she wasn't feeling well.  It seems she had caught a bug, and she ended up with a fever and getting sick a few times during the night.  She wasn't able to be at school for the awards ceremony, and she ended up sleeping almost the entire day. 

I emailed her teachers to see if I could pick up her missed work that afternoon.  When I went to the office to pick it up, there was a framed certificate with her work.  Inside the frame was the award for the Christian Citizenship.  We had no idea she was getting this award... neither did she.  I was so bummed that she was sick and missed being surprised at the ceremony.  She had also received the award for her Literature.  When I got home, I called Scott out to show him both of the certificates before showing Emilee, and then we "presented" the Literature certificate to her.  She grinned from ear to ear!  Once she had some time to revel in that award, we presented the Christian Citizenship plaque to her.  She beamed!  We are so incredibly proud of her and are looking forward to see what God has in store for her life over the next few years!

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